Let's Make 2019 The Year Of Embryo Adoption

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In his book “Building A Storybrand,” Donald Miller describes the importance of businesses explaining to their customers the risk of not taking action. The purpose isn’t to drive fear and peddle misinformation. The purpose is to spell out the consequences of failing to move forward.

The consequences of failing to raise awareness about embryo adoption are enormous. We are at a time in history when it has never been easier to create, manipulate or destroy human life.

By working together to shine a light on embryo adoption in 2019, we can:

  • Foster a culture that recognizes human life begins at conception, whether in utero or in vitro

  • Create opportunities for moms and dads to bring these beautiful babies into the world

  • Encourage more policymakers to take a stand for adoption and the agencies that facilitate it rather than pushing for policies that force more families into physical and financial hardship through in vitro fertilization and other forms of assisted reproductive technology

  • Donate to organizations such as Sacred Selections that raise money to directly support Christian couples pursuing adoption in all forms, including embryo adoption

  • Locate and stand on national platforms such as TV, radio and social media to reach a broader audience with these important messages

In reading through John C. Maxwell’s “Life@Work” over the past few weeks, I’ve learned a new phrase that Maxwell uses: God-skill. He’s referring to the fact that people of God can do extraordinary things with their time and talents when every action is taken with our divine calling top of mind. God works through us and arranges time and space in such a way to fulfill His purpose.

You and I will never turn embryo adoption into a movement on our own. But with God, all things are possible.

Let’s make 2019 a year to remember. And let’s do it for “the least of these” (Matthew 25:40, ESV) while we still have an opportunity to calibrate our collective moral compass.